
Bottles from 100 ml (3.5 fl.oz) to 1000 ml (35.2 f.loz) with different caps

Einkochwelt®'s bottles are available in different sizes and with different caps. They are perfect for juices, juice concentrates, liqueurs, syrup or the like. With a few easy steps and some accessories they can be converted to an amazing individual present.

swing-top bottles

  • swing-top bottle 100 ml

    swing-top bottle 100 ml

    (3.5 fl.oz)
    incl. swing top

  • swing-top bottle 125 ml

    swing-top bottle 125 ml

    (4.4 fl.oz)
    incl. swing top

  • swing-top bottle 200 ml

    swing-top bottle 200 ml

    (7.0 fl.oz)
    incl. swing top

  • swing-top bottle 250 ml

    swing-top bottle 250 ml

    (8.8 fl.oz)
    incl. swing top

  • swing-top bottle 500 ml

    swing-top bottle 500 ml

    (17.6 fl.oz)
    incl. swing top

  • swing-top bottle 1000 ml

    swing-top bottle 1000 ml

    (35.2 fl.oz)
    incl. swing top

  • Bügelflasche 350 ml

    Bügelflasche 350 ml

    inkl. Bügelverschluss und

  • Bügelflasche 750 ml

    Bügelflasche 750 ml

    inkl. Bügelverschluss und

straight-neck bottles

  • straight-neck bottle 250 ml

    straight-neck bottle 250 ml

    (8.8 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 28 mm
    cap colour: dark red

  • straight-neck bottle 350 ml

    straight-neck bottle 350 ml

    (12.3 fl.oz)
    cap: Ø 28 mm
    cap colour: dark red

  • straight-neck bottle 500 ml

    straight-neck bottle 500 ml

    (17.6 fl.oz)
    cap: Ø 28 mm
    cap colour: dark red

  • straight-neck bottle 700 ml

    straight-neck bottle 700 ml

    (24.6 fl.oz)
    cap: Ø 28 mm
    cap colour: dark red

  • straight-neck bottle 1000 ml

    straight-neck bottle 1000 ml

    (35.2 fl.oz)
    cap: Ø 28 mm
    cap colour: dark red

Marasca bottles

  • Marasca 125 ml

    Marasca 125 ml

    (4.4 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 31.5 mm
    cap colour: golden

  • Marasca 250 ml

    Marasca 250 ml

    (8.8 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 31.5 mm
    cap colour: golden

  • Marasca 500 ml

    Marasca 500 ml

    (17.6 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 31.5 mm
    cap colour: golden

Opera bottles

  • Opera 100 ml

    Opera 100 ml

    (3.5 fl.oz)
    mouth: ∅ 10,5 mm
    incl. cork

  • Opera 200 ml

    Opera 200 ml

    (7.0 fl.oz)
    mouth: ∅ 10.5 mm
    incl. cork

  • Opera 350 ml

    Opera 350 ml

    (12.3 fl.oz)
    mouth: ∅ 18.3 mm
    incl. cork

hip flasks

  • hip flask 100 ml

    hip flask 100 ml

    (3.5 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 28 mm
    cap colour: dark red

  • hip flask 200 ml

    hip flask 200 ml

    (7.0 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 28 mm
    cap colour: dark red

universal bottles

  • universal bottle ml

    universal bottle 263 ml

    (9.3 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 43 mm
    cap colour: dark red/white plaid

  • universal bottle 500 ml

    universal bottle 500 ml

    (17.6 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 48 mm
    cap colour: dark red/white plaid

  • universal bottle 1000 ml

    universal bottle 1000 ml

    (35.2 fl.oz)
    cap: ∅ 48 mm
    cap colour: dark red/white plaid