Swing-top jars

Swing-top jars Excellsens

Swing-top jars can be closed hermatically thanks to their swing-top made of stainless steel. For this reason they are very suitable for food storage. Beyond that they can be used in the freezer and microwave.

Einkochwelt® sells swing-top jars of the series Excellens, Bormioli Rocco's series Fido and Luigi Bormioli's series Lock-Eat.

  • Excellsens 80 ml

    Excellsens 80 ml

    (2.8 fl.oz)
    incl. rubber ring

  • Excellsens 120 ml

    Excellsens 120 ml

    (4.2 fl.oz)
    round, low shape
    incl. rubber ring

  • Excellsens 120 ml

    Excellsens 120 ml

    (4.2 fl.oz)
    round, high shape
    incl. rubber ring

  • Excellsens 195 ml

    Excellsens 195 ml

    (6.9 fl.oz)
    incl. rubber ring

  • Excellsens 260 ml

    Excellsens 260 ml

    (9.2 fl.oz)
    incl. rubber ring