Product Information Lock-Eat jars

Good to know

Lock-Eat jars

These gourmet jars from Luigi Bormioli can be used for preserving and canning a wide variety of foods. A particularly practical feature is that the jar, lid and stainless steel clamp can be easily and completely separated. This means that the bottom jar can also be used as a serving jar and is easy to clean. The Lock-Eat jars are hermetically sealed; the stainless steel lid is rustproof.

Instructions for application and use

Further information on the correct application and proper use can be found here.

Lock-Eat mold jars 350 ml - 1000 ml
Lock-Eat round jars 1500 - 2000 ml
Lock-Eat carafes 250 ml - 1000 ml


Many recipe ideas, not only for this product, can be found here.

Further product idea

Glass for cosmetics

  • 750 ml Lock-eat mold jar
  • various cosmetics
    - small comb
    - nail varnish
    - nail file
    - small hand cream ...