We sell SCHOTT drinking straws made of glass in two sets. One set contains three drinking straws, the other set is a value pack containing twelve drinking straws. Available lengths are 150 mm and 210 mm.
SCHOTT drinking straws made of unbreakable Duran glass
SCHOTT drinking straws are made of Duran glass and unbreakable due to a special combination of thickness and refinement of final parts. They are heat- and cold-resistant and thus appropriate for hot and cold drinks. Unlike to plastic SCHOTT drinking straws made of glass don't contain any hazardous substances and are food-safe. In contrast to other materials such as bamboo, paper or metal duran glass always guarantees a genuine taste.
Cleaning without brush
SCHOTT drinking straws made of glass can be cleaned easily by hand or in the dishwasher – without using a brush. That's practical and time-saving – at home and in the gastronomy. Beyond that SCHOTT drinkings straws made of glass save money as the can be cleaned several times without affecting hygiene and quality.
Sustainable and ressource-saving
So far disposable items made of plastic were a standard in hotellery and gastronomy, but as the E.U. prohibited them eco-friendly alternatives are required. SCHOTT drinking straws made of glass are reusable and recyclable – unlike drinking strwas made of plastic that are normally thrown away or burnt although they basically contain recyclable polypropylene. However most recycling machines can't collect the drinking straws made of plastic correctly. Sometimes the drinking straws even block or destroy these machines.
According to environmental protection organisation Seas at Risk every year about 36.4 billion drinking straws made of plastic are used and discarded in the E.U. althogh their polypropylene needs about 500 years for its complete decomposition. Meanwhile the drinking straws are converted to microplastics soon found in rivers and oceans. Worldwide every seventh piece of microplastics is a drinking straw. These microplastics are eaten by birds and marine animals and can cause their death. So drinking straws made of glass are a really sustainable and ressource-saving alternative.
More information about our drinkings straws made of glass you find here: https://www.einkochwelt.de/en/products/drinking-straws-made-of-glass.html
Seas at Risk's detailed study can be found here: seas-at-risk.org/images/pdf/publications/SeasAtRiskSummarysingleUseplasticandthemarineenvironment.compressed.pdf